Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mystery lights spotted in sky near Lacock

FINALLY! Another Mysterious Lights story out of the UK. I've been disappointed with the lack of 'em recently.

This happened during the day, which is curious. AND it happened on 10/10/10.

There's a picture of the mystery orbs on the site.

Mysterious baby. Mysterious.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Are Mossad agents selling paintings in Utah?

So some guys posing as "Israeli Art Students" are going door to door, selling painting and asking questions about a NSA Data Center nearby. That doesn't sound suspicious. Oh Utah. Even when it's not your fault, it's your fault.

Mysterious mobile handset explosions grip Assam

This can't be fucking real. This has to be a viral site for a movie or something.
Fucking 30 mobile handsets explode after the callers answer a phone call where the number is highlighted in red? WTF.

" Mobile handsets exploding is not a new phenomenon, but about 30 different mobile phones suddenly exploding within a week when users answer a call is rare, and requires a scientific explanation. "

Mysterious jellyfish invade Walden Pond

That's pretty self explanatory right? Scientists are just plum flummoxed about the sheer number of jellyfish suddenly in Walden pond.

Women, Children Victims Of Mysterious Liquid Attacks

This is either the work of some "Fringe" villain or some asshole prankster. So that makes it either fascinating or annoying.

A number of cases from Washington state of slimy liquid being thrown in people's faces. A woman being hit with a balloon with something in it. Clear liquid with brown chunks in it one case. Blue slimy liquid that could've been porta potty soap. Disgusting and interesting or disgusting and disgusting. Either way. It's darn mysterious.

Rare sighting in Laos of mysterious beast

The Saola is one of the world's rarest animals and some villagers in Hanoi captured one in August, but it died shortly after. Let's hear it for humanity. I guess the up side is that it's the most preserved specimen they've ever had to study. Which is good. That's human history right? Killing and studying? Hooray? Idk. Follow the link for a picture of the a-mazing creature.

Mysterious form of epilepsy triggered by Hannah Montana

This item has one of the most tasteless openings I've ever read in a "major" news piece.

"Teen sensation Hannah Montana makes a Florida girl shake all over. The problem: She can't make it stop."

Is that not just sick? Especially since it's about 12 year old girl. reading the article you can tell that they really played up the Hannah Montana aspect, saying that it's actually one Hannah Montana song in particular that sets her off and in actuality her trigger is low baritone sounds like dog barks. Still though. Ha? Idk. Maybe I shouldn't have included this one. WHATS UP ENGLAND?! I HAVENT FOUND A MYSTERIOUS LIGHTS IN THE SKY NEWS ITEM IN LIKE, FOREVER!

The Mysterious Past Of a Royal Head

Once in a while it's nice to get a mysterious news item that isn't awful or horrible. This is an interesting article about copper busts from the 14th and 15th century found in Nigeria in 1938. They've uncovered some new clues and ideas about their origin and I believe the heads are going on tour.

Dolphins getting mysterious skin rashes

Sad news is sad.

"About 90% of bottlenose dolphins in Monterey Bay, California, are suffering from mysterious skin lesions, a new study says. "

Deer spotted with mysterious collar

The mysterious collar is a collar that glows in the dark. Work of aliens or ravers?

" “I know it’s dangerous to put anything around a deer’s neck,” East added. “A rope or collar can get caught by brush or a tree. This collar was definitely put on the deer by someone. There’s no way it could have gotten on accidentally.” "

Mystery odor cancels classes at Rockland County school

Again with the mystery odor. Man. There's another fairly common news story I had no idea about until I started this blog. Paging Sam and Dean.

"Last week, the school was evacuated and the ventilation system tested and cleaned&but the complaints persisted. "Did you smell it? Outside of the school&just a little bit," said Brown. Parent Debra Termine added that the odor left a "metallic taste, neck, back a glaze over the body." "

Mystery airstrike as Somalia collapses

" A mysterious helicopter attack on a gathering of Islamist leaders suggests that the United States, using either Special Forces or mercenaries, may be trying to decapitate jihadist forces who are escalating a war to topple the Western-backed government."

As long as my money doesn't go to give people health care, I'm happy. AMIRITE?

Mysterious cattle mutilations continue in Georgia


Detectives say they have little to go on because the killer leaves almost no trace of even being there, in most cases, not even a drop of blood from the butchered animals.

It sounds like Jack the bloody ripper is alive and well and mutilating cows. The udders and genitals were removed post mortem. Yum.

Investigation continues into mysterious death of attorney

This is pretty complicated, but it sounds like a wife was performing surgery on her husband. Her husband who weighed 413 pounds and had diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cirrhosis and other ailments.

“There was blood everywhere, tissue on the floor and in the freezer, a scalpel was found,”

"Police found a large pool of blood in Lloyd Johnson’s bed, as well as surgical gear and jars of suspected human tissue in the couple’s home."

So. That sounds fun.

Family Distraught Over Woman's Mysterious Death

Woman's Body Found In Cornfield

29 Year Old Woman gets in a fight while on a walk with friends. Walks away from the group. Then they find her body in a corn field.