Thursday, June 10, 2010

Paul Michael Combs commits suicide, deepening mystery

Man. This is a head scratching noodle of a doodle.
Alright. Check this.

In 2005, Rex Judd, who, besides having a fucking awesome name for a shady Florida millionaire, disappears after travelling to Thailand. For some reason, mysterious, authorities are really, really interested in finding out what happened to Mr. Judd. Enter a bizarre group of characters straight out of Elmore Leonard baby, "including a controversial Russian judge, a Canadian venture capitalist, and the 13th Duke of Manchester, a descendant of British royalty who now lives in Los Angeles."

Anyway, this guy Paul Combs who just killed himself told authorities he had information regarding Judd's disappearance. People who knew him doubt he would've killed himself, but then again, don't they always.

Combs and Judd were members of a group of wealthy businessmen who travel to Thailand together. That sounds not at all sketchy. The Russian, The Canadian and the Duke were all members of the same group.

Judd became a millionaire peddling get rich quick schemes, so you know, no real loss there. This whole deal is bizarre and crazy and totally interesting.

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