Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fort Collins middle school students sickened by mysterious odor,0,903823.story

What did I just say? Another mysterious odor story. There are loads of these! I have no idea what it means, but suspect it has something to do with the antichrist.
Or global warming.
Or a third, less frightening thing.

Honestly, usually I just try to deliver the news in a way that's neither entertaining nor not entertaining, I don't usually get involved in, you know, the politics of the whole thing, but not only is the writing of this article silly to the point of hilarity it also contains chilling quotes from the youth of today.

Like a middle schooler lamenting the fact that she had to leave her kindle in her locker.

Or the reporting reporter saying that there was "an army" of firemen and police.


Anyhoo. The usual, weird smell, no one can identify it or agree what it smells like and some people can't smell it at all.

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